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Maximize Value with an M&A Advisor at Carter, Morse, & Goodrich

Mike Koster, the CEO of Williams Distributing Company, a family-owned wholesale distributor, shares his experience with considering selling his business with the help of Carter, Morse & Goodrich.

The process of selling a business was challenging but well-managed by CMG M&A advisors. They emphasized the need for detailed work and face-to-face meetings with potential buyers. The presentation skills improved over time as they encountered repeated questions from buyers.

Despite the process taking longer than expected, it was worth the time investment for the family-owned company, Williams Distributing Group. Key individuals were informed early on, and employees were notified after the close of the transaction.

CMG enforced discipline throughout the process, leading to a competitive synergy with multiple interested buyers. In the end, the buyer chosen was not the highest bidder but the best fit for the company's employees and culture, providing value and comfort to the family and executive team.

Looking For Sell-Side M&A Advisory Services? Our CMG team is ready to help.