All of us here at CMG would like to wish you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season. We are truly grateful for the trust and confidence that you and others have placed in our team and appreciate our strong relationships with clients and friends of the firm.
Giving back to our communities through both active engagement and financial support has been a core tenant throughout CMG’s history. To formalize this tradition, in 2021 we established the CMG Foundation whose mission is to support charitable organizations that promote entrepreneurship, innovation, and professional development to help individuals attain economic independence and entrepreneurial success by unlocking the full potential of each person and encourage self-improvement. Every year, we give a percentage of our profit to the CMG Foundation to further its mission, expand its impact and hopefully improve the lives of others.
In addition to our existing beneficiaries, this year, the CMG Foundation is pleased to expand its support to include Connect-Us, whose mission is to improve the quality of outcomes for young people living in communities of concentrated poverty by complementing formal education with afterschool growth opportunities for young people living in Bridgeport, Connecticut. One program in particular, Connect-Us Academy, is designed for young people who want to cultivate skills and learn to work in a professional business setting. The program prepares young people to enter the workforce, pursue educational opportunities, and face challenges in new ways.
The CMG Foundation continues to support the charities below that reflect our mission. It takes great dedication and effort to accomplish each mission and we are truly grateful for their contributions.
- The WorkPlace
- Girls With impact
- Junior Achievement of Western Connecticut
- Push For Entrepreneurship
- D’Aniello Institute for Veterans & Military Families
- Dress For Success
- Connect-Us

As we complete our 36th year in business, we look ahead to the New Year with a strong sense of passion, commitment and optimism and wish you a prosperous 2024.